Business/ Corporate Cards
Business is Business!
Separate your business’s expenses from your personal ones. If you are a business owner, self-employed or even a manager of a company, you are well aware that your personal and business expenses are closely intertwined. This is exactly why we have created the National Express corporate Card, which is particularly designed to offer your business a host of services and advantages that will let you easily separate your personal and business expenses.
It is used by the order of the company to its’ senior managers so that each manager can invite guests on behalf of the company and at the end of the month a statement will show all expenditure and will be charged to the company’s account.
You can send a gift card with any amount you require instead of sending present in all occasions.
To all subscribers of the Jordanian Social Security Corporation in Jordan.
National Express (NE), in partnership with the Jordanian Social Security Corporation, proudly offers all Jordanians who have accounts with NE whether they are living in Jordan or living abroad a special service and a very advantageous financial package that gives you valuable benefits where you can pay your obligations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at no extra cost including the social security subscription in a correct and simple manner that will ensure that payments are correctly recorded in the Social Security Corporation in your name without any delay.
Each car will have its own card with the car number and with a credit limit as requested by the company and at the end of the month a statement for all benzene cards will be issued showing total expenditures for each car.
The cardholder will stable all the vouchers to the statement and sign on it as a proof of expenditure.